Monday, June 11, 2012

What o where is all that dark matter hiding.

Whatcha bet "dark energy" is just the magnetic force left behind by all the matter sucked into all the black holes?  We can't see the matter but it's there.  It's weight is information and information cannot be lost so it's all encoded on the rim of the event horizon and that's what we register as dark energy.

Just saying.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bringing the Second Coming to a Heart Near You!

If I were superstitious I might view these last few months as a warning what with both a lunar and a solar eclipse taking place during the same 30 days as the Wisconsin recall.  In ancient times an eclipse signaled loss, destruction and horrors to come.  But really all I have to do is pull my fingers out of my ears long enough to let some of the whining in and I realize what it is that I'm sensing and why it's so terrible.  And it has nothing to do with celestial mechanics.  We've been in this spiral for so long now many signs, both good and bad, have come and gone revealing nothing about futures past or present.  There is no magic in the world.  It's just us acting out and that has become dangerous.

I know two things.  There is an evil in the land.  They look right at you and lie.  No one calls them out on their lies.  They are never called liars.  They call themselves patriots and yet they have never served their country.  They call themselves Christians though Jesus wouldn't recognize them as such.  And they call themselves Americans though their activities are not about expanding rights and access but contracting and denying while at the same time actively seeking to destroy the nation's institutions.  They have destroyed public education, the post office, and have turned their sights to the nation's safety net just as it's most needed.  This is what they've done.  They call themselves conservatives.  They are Dominionists and are a fifth column dividing this nation into warring factions.  Their goal is winning at any cost even if that cost is a civil war.  That war has already politically begun.  It has tactically begun.  Our path as a nation is uncertain at this point unless we take some immediate steps which we do not seem prepared or willing to take.

So how does an atheist begin to deal with the horror of his insight?  Jesus Christ.  We desperately need to take a second look at this figure, revive Him as it were, bring about a Second Coming in thought and spirit.  Organized religion is not going to like this but if humanity is to find it's path through this century we must go by twos and threes and bring the message of love and brotherhood to anyone who will hear it.

By twos and threes is how Jesus originally asked us to go into the world and bring his really very simple message to love others as you value yourself.  Yet by doing so we make ourselves vulnerable.  I think that's the point.  Taking comfort in a mega church is not compatible with Jesus's words or actions.

At the sermon on the mount, Jesus fed his flock, his church.  In a perverse anti-christian manner all churches today operate on the opposite principle where the flock feeds the church, the priest, the popes and bishops.

You are free to draw your own conclusions.

Join me as I bring about a second coming of sorts, a relearning and reeducation about one of the most important figures in human history.  Leave your church and practice your faith instead of subsituting belief for action.  In other words, put your money where your mouth is and not in the pockets of the pederasts and abusers.  Any minister who can stand in front of his congregation and applaud a child singing how "homos ain't gonna make it to heaven" is evil on so many levels one can easily say those people are already lost.  Any American who suggests that gay people belong locked behind electrified fences and allowed food drops until they die out is NOT either American or Christian.  And yet they will double down on their beliefs because the hate in their hearts is incompatible with Christ thought or actions and they don't have the mental or spiritual tools to deal with the incongruity.  They stick out in our national conscious like sore thumbs for a reason.

In the coming posts I will share my learning and my thoughts.  I am using Karen Armstrong as my guide, as well as others, and will offer these texts for sale via Amazon links.  I am at the beginning of my journey and my plan is to visit atheists and spiritualists alike, taking bits from here and there to compile an unaccessorized root spirituality that serves 21st century humanity minus the politics, beliefs, and dogmas.  I will be investigating the Dominionist agenda and doing everything I can to be a candle in the dark.  I do believe if we strip away the mumbo jumbo we might actually learn something.  Call it a spiritual cleansing, but 2000 years of genocide, murder, inquisition, torture, mysogyny and child abuse is liable to leave a pretty thick and shitty residue clogging the human psyche's pipes, wouldn't ya think?